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It's More Than Just Insurance
When it comes to protecting the most precious parts of your life or business, you want something a little more meaningful than a phrase, "You're Insured." Having the confidence in knowing that when something happens not only are you insured but you have someone in your corner who will "go to the mat" for you is what Cunningham & Cunningham is all about. When you become part of our family, we fight for you like you are family, and we have, for the past 30+ years.
Our Team
Understanding Your Equine Insurance Policy
By: Elizabeth Clarke
Insurance policies are contracts and they are some of the most complicated contracts around. Farm property and liability policies, horse mortality and major medical policies are no exceptions. It requires effort to fully understand them, but if you know the basics about the key sections, it is possible. It is important to understand your coverage when you buy the policy so you don't discover at the time of a claim that you don't have the coverage you thought you had.
It helps to have a pen and paper to list things that raise your eybrows as you read through the sections. Sometimes
a term that doesn't work for you in one section is fixed in the next, but not always, and you need to walk through carefully to make sure you have the coverage you need.
The key sections of any insurance policy include the following:
Definitions. Don't assume that you now what key words in your insurance policy mean because "Definitions" in policies are often used to alter the common meaning of words...
Disciplines We Work With
We are honored to work with some of the best trainers, owners, riders and individuals in the equine industry. With that being said we want to not just highlight a few, but all the discplines we are horored to work with!


Show Jumping







And All the Above!